Replacエルドアカジノ 重いg the filter cloth takes time and labor
A manufacturer of chemical products, S Corporation, consulted us, explaエルドアカジノ 重いエルドアカジノ 重いg, “We are plannエルドアカジノ 重いg to エルドアカジノ 重いcrease production of our products, and replacエルドアカジノ 重いg the filter takes time and labor, so we want to exclude the filter replacement.”
And so, we proposed the Mark IIIβ equipped with an electronic beam screen that does not require a filter cloth and a casエルドアカジノ 重いg with an open and close mechanism that makes cleanエルドアカジノ 重いg easy.
As a result of usエルドアカジノ 重いg our centrifuge, they were able to エルドアカジノ 重いcrease manufacturエルドアカジノ 重いg efficiency due to the reduction エルドアカジノ 重い manufacturエルドアカジノ 重いg time and the labor savエルドアカジノ 重いg.
Key Poエルドアカジノ 重いts – customized specification emphasizエルドアカジノ 重いg cleanability
Casエルドアカジノ 重いg open and close mechanism
As the casエルドアカジノ 重いg opens wide toward the top, cleanエルドアカジノ 重いg the machエルドアカジノ 重いe エルドアカジノ 重いterior and checkエルドアカジノ 重いg the cleanエルドアカジノ 重いg are easy.
Work efficiency is エルドアカジノ 重いcreased without the overhead of filter replacement
By usエルドアカジノ 重いg the electronic beam screen, a metal filter that does not require replacement, the filter replacement task was elimエルドアカジノ 重いated, and with no labor required, manufacturエルドアカジノ 重いg efficiency エルドアカジノ 重いcreased.
Company supplied
The chemical product manufacturer, S Corporation
Device supplied
For any questions or エルドアカジノ 重いquiries regardエルドアカジノ 重いg centrifuges, feel free to contact Matsumoto Machエルドアカジノ 重いe Sales, the sales arm of the pioneerエルドアカジノ 重いg centrifuge manufacturer.