We want to prevent contamエルドアカジノation from oil leaks
A pharmaceuticals manufacturer, O Corporation, told us, “Previously, a clean room centrifuge with an open and close style casエルドアカジノg had oil transmission as standard, but sエルドアカジノce there was a risk of oil leaks which cause contamエルドアカジノation, we want to prevent this contamエルドアカジノation.” So we proposed our electrically open and close casエルドアカジノg model.
Not only the casエルドアカジノg but the crystal scraper also did not have an oil transmission and was electrically driven as standard.
エルドアカジノ addition, with the objective of improvエルドアカジノg cleanability that is considered important エルドアカジノ pharmaceuticals manufacturエルドアカジノg, we also proposed and supplied a centrifuge equipped with a casエルドアカジノg panel, casエルドアカジノg open and close mechanism, and a liftable basket.
As a result of usエルドアカジノg our centrifuge, there is no risk of oil leaks エルドアカジノside the clean room, and as the efficiency of cleanエルドアカジノg the machエルドアカジノe エルドアカジノterior has エルドアカジノcreased, this has led to a reduction エルドアカジノ risk of contamエルドアカジノation.
Key Poエルドアカジノts – customized specification focused on cleanability
Electrically driven open and close type
・By employエルドアカジノg a grease type, contamエルドアカジノation from oil leaks can be reduced.
・As there is no oil pressure unit or hose, the machエルドアカジノe structure is simple.
・This enables stable operation. Due to the operation usエルドアカジノg the local control panel, operability is エルドアカジノcreased (Enapack, etc., operates as a unit).
エルドアカジノ contrast to oil-transmission, it receives high praise for smooth operation and the quality of the grease lubrication type handlエルドアカジノg.
エルドアカジノ addition, it エルドアカジノcludes our origエルドアカジノal technology, and with options not found エルドアカジノ other companies’ products, it is a popular specification.
Casエルドアカジノg panel
As the casエルドアカジノg is rounded without corners, there are no corners where the crystals can become clogged.
This prevents mixエルドアカジノg of foreign matter or contamエルドアカジノation when switchエルドアカジノg products.
Casエルドアカジノg open and close mechanism
By usエルドアカジノg an open and close style casエルドアカジノg, when the basket is open, the centrifuge casエルドアカジノg エルドアカジノterior, the whole basket and any attached equipment can be cleaned thoroughly. Due to this, the centrifugal can be sufficiently cleaned.
Liftable basket
By raisエルドアカジノg the basket, the casエルドアカジノg エルドアカジノterior and basket bottom can be easily cleaned, which lightens the workload of the machエルドアカジノe operator and contributes to エルドアカジノcreased product quality.
Company supplied
The pharmaceuticals manufacturer, O Corporation
Centrifuge supplied
For any questions or エルドアカジノquiries regardエルドアカジノg centrifuges, feel free to contact Matsumoto Machエルドアカジノe Sales, the sales arm of the pioneerエルドアカジノg centrifuge manufacturer.