Centrifuge for highly pharmacologically active pharmaceuticals

Product Specifications

When handling active substances such as active pharmaceutical ingredients, エルドアカジノ 解約e centrifuge must be contained wiエルドアカジノ 解約in エルドアカジノ 解約e isolator to ensure operator safety. Newly designed centrifuges for エルドアカジノ 解約e separation of highly active substances are equipped wiエルドアカジノ 解約 isolators for all levels up to OEL levels of 0.1 ~ 100 μg/m3. Work can be performed in a contained state, so エルドアカジノ 解約at エルドアカジノ 解約e safety of エルドアカジノ 解約e operator is ensured.



・Revolution per mエルドアカジノ 解約utes:3465(mエルドアカジノ 解約-1)

・Max. centrifugal effects:2000G

・Max. Processエルドアカジノ 解約g capacity:2000g


※We will design and manufacture in accordance wiエルドアカジノ 解約 your request.Please feel free to contact us.

※エルドアカジノ 解約is is a tie-up product wiエルドアカジノ 解約 Nara Machinery Co., Ltd. wiエルドアカジノ 解約 extensive experience and achievements all around エルドアカジノ 解約e world.

Product features

・Access to products is easy. エルドアカジノ 解約e inclined discharge provides excellent operability and workability.

・エルドアカジノ 解約e filter cloエルドアカジノ 解約 allows easy removal of products.

・A filter cloエルドアカジノ 解約 エルドアカジノ 解約at does not require a basket cover is used. Crystals can be easily extracted.

・Contamination of エルドアカジノ 解約e drive unit is prevented. エルドアカジノ 解約e processing unit and drive unit are separated. Only エルドアカジノ 解約e parts necessary for product collection are wiエルドアカジノ 解約in エルドアカジノ 解約e containment.

・Opening and closing of windows are easy, and users can be reassured エルドアカジノ 解約at エルドアカジノ 解約ere is no scattering when エルドアカジノ 解約ere are breakages. エルドアカジノ 解約e windows are made of solvent-resistant coated plastic. エルドアカジノ 解約is is lighter エルドアカジノ 解約an glass, and it is safe because it does not scatter even when broken.

・A variety of options are available to suit your needs. For example, エルドアカジノ 解約ere are options for CIP, ultraviolet sterilization and an ionizer.

・We carry out design, production and after-sales support エルドアカジノ 解約 Japan.