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Olympia City Hall

Hoffman built this structure near the water of the Nisqually River Delta in Olympia’s downtown. Hoffman kept the project on schedule despite contamination on the site and a high water table that necessitated a pile foundation system.

The four-story government wing includes city council chambers and offices for the mayor, city administrator, 1bet casino reviewand city attorneys. The attached two-story police wing includes a holding cell, a juvenile holding facility, interview rooms, and evidence storage.

Contract Type



City of Olympia


Belay Architecture


Olympia, WA





I wanted to share how much I appreciate the collaborative partnership relationship between Hoffman and the City on our new City Hall. Hoffman is 1xbet appa great construction partner. Once again Hoffman has proven that it is flexible, fair and understanding in its approach to the project and in troubleshooting issues that inevitably come up during construction. I don’t quite know how to express my thanks, other than to say – I wish I were building another City Hall – I’d pick Hoffman without hesitation! Steve Hall City Manager, City of Olympia

Project Story

Ambitious Sustainability Goals

This attractive and efficient 1bet casino bonus codecombined government and police facility achieved LEED Gold. Hoffman exceeded the City’s sustainability targets with features including a green roof, operable windows, and highly efficient lighting and mechanical systems. The team salvaged wood and antique brick pavers and incorporated them into the project.

Integrated Data Center

Additionally, the team integrated a 925 SF data center with Chatsworth racks to return to the plenum ceiling, served by N+1 roof top 1xbet appcondensing unit, and a VESDA detection system. The data center uses a bus power system for better future flexibility.

Integrated Data Center image

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